Sunday, August 30, 2015

Natural 3 in 1 mask; scrub moisterize and lift your face!

We dream all about a beautiful peach skin,  But sometimes our skin plays tricks and then we multiply the application of products to have soft skin, but the excessive application of chemical products  is not not very natural and not necessarily effective. 
We must never forget to take care of our skin, the sensitive organ that covers our entire body. This is not just a matter of beauty , but rather a health issue. This time, we will focus on how to clean our face, which is known to be the most delicate area in all our body. It is cold or warm, it is always exposed to fresh air, but also to pollution. Moreover, between makeup and moisturizers ... The face is the support of too many products that suffocates. To give new life to your face, make a scrub that will remove all impurities and dead skin cells. Also, after the summer we all had experienced the sunburns and how it is too difficult to get rid of them.
Well Here I will give you an easy recipe, that I tried and I'm so suttisfied. It's a recipe of a cleaning mask that not only clean up and scrub your face but also it is a good moisturizer and removes dead skin and sunburns and also it is a good substitute of Botox.
Well it is a 3 in 1 mask; scrub moisterize and lift your face!
  1. 2 table spoon of corn strach 
  2. teaspoon of  honey
  3. 1 teaspoon of lemon juce
  4. 1 teaspoon of olive oil. 
You mixe all the ingridients together and you apply it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes, until it comes really dry. 
Then you wasch your face with warm water.
Repeat it 2 to 3 times a week and you will be surprised! 

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