Tuesday, September 15, 2015


A boy asked his mum: Mum why are crying?
"Because, I'm a woman" she said
And he asked his father and he answered: All women cry without any reason.
The little boy became a  man and he is always asking himself why do women cries without a reason until one day, he met a wise man that answered him:
When god created woman, he did give her strong shoulders to bear the difficulties of life...
And made her arms so soft to give tenderness and comfort...
And he did give the most strong body that can bear the birth pain and bear their stubbornness when they grow up...
And gave her strength to stand up in front of problems....
And a big heart to love her child unconditionally...
And he gave her wisdom to raise many children at once...and she is their truest friend and the best confident, whenever you need someone, she is the best listener…
And finally he gave her tears to discharge her body from all the responsibility that god did gave her to continue her journey...
So don't you ever dear and laugh on any woman when she cries even when she do it without any reason.
Women are great 

Women are great! We should always remember them. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Just Be Yourself, You Are BEAUTIFUL

Go to the mirror and look to yourself for a few minutes.... You have to be strong and courageous. Love yourself, love everyone around you and do anything you like to do. Never think that you are old and it's a shame to do it, you are young, run look to stars, begun with a story and complete it with a song. Always look to the bride side of things and be certain that life is like an exam we should learn everyday something new and if we fall we must learn from our mistakes and stand up again to continue. and if we want to be something we can do it despites of its difficulties. Always, pray to be closer to god and ask god anything you want and never forget that the mercy of god have no end.
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” Thich Nhat Hanh
Be willing to grow. One step at a time is enough to proceed forward.
Life is a long journey. We are here to learn and love on a deeper level. Take little steps like penguin and life becomes less and less difficult with every step you do. 
Let go of urgency and fear. Relax and transform striving into thriving. Trust in yourself, do good work with always a good will, and you will see great results and you will admire yourself.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

A story in the bus.

Today, when I was standing waiting for the bus, a beautiful young lady came to me and asked me to give her my phone to speak to her friend that she was waiting for and she forget her phone at home.
So I give her mine without any thinking. She tried to talk to her friend but she did not respond. A few minutes later the bus came. As usual I shuted down my phone to avoid phone calls in the crowd. 

When I was standing in the bus, suddenly a girl started to scream “Oh my god, my phone, my phone!" I was surprised because she told me that she forgot her phone. So A guy came and asked her for her number to call her and he told her that the phone was shuted down so she oddly looked at me. So that look made me doubt in the reality of the scene that she made with the strange guy. So I secretly opened my phone and I received two phone calls from a strange number, I called him and it was the guy's phone. So I went to the driver and told him briefly the story and he turned the bus to the police officer. Suddenly the guy that was the associated to the girl, so he violently opened the door and jumped from the bus but we succeeded to stop the girl!