Tuesday, September 15, 2015


A boy asked his mum: Mum why are crying?
"Because, I'm a woman" she said
And he asked his father and he answered: All women cry without any reason.
The little boy became a  man and he is always asking himself why do women cries without a reason until one day, he met a wise man that answered him:
When god created woman, he did give her strong shoulders to bear the difficulties of life...
And made her arms so soft to give tenderness and comfort...
And he did give the most strong body that can bear the birth pain and bear their stubbornness when they grow up...
And gave her strength to stand up in front of problems....
And a big heart to love her child unconditionally...
And he gave her wisdom to raise many children at once...and she is their truest friend and the best confident, whenever you need someone, she is the best listener…
And finally he gave her tears to discharge her body from all the responsibility that god did gave her to continue her journey...
So don't you ever dear and laugh on any woman when she cries even when she do it without any reason.
Women are great 

Women are great! We should always remember them. 

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