Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Some dark sides from my trip to Paris

But also Paris has a dark side, Racism; I’m a Muslim woman with a covered hair. When you are walking you feel always the look of others towards you, in the train,  the Secretary at school was strangling me with her eyes every morning, you also have to provide liability insurance, it is some kind of insurance covers other people from yourself! the only thing that I noticed in the French people, and the Frensh television that they consider that they are the only right opinion in the world, I don’t know why, they also admire themselves so much and they live in a very small families not like in my native countries every weekend we gather all the family to laugh and talk about random subjects. In France or maybe in every developed country, everything is so easy that they don’t have to do any big effort, even in cooking, if you don’t know how to cook any frozen cheap food, put it in the microwave and it’s done. Here every woman spend at least 2 hours in the kitchen everyday or washing dishes you have the dishwasher, for me it’s the best invention in man’s history! Or cleaning they have all types of products that make life so much easier. Back to my country, I spend almost 1 day a week to do the ménage! Not because here I’m slower but here we have so many surfaces. In Paris you can live in only ten m² here I live in 145 m² and considering neighbours and relatives, it’s a little bit small. 
Another dark side the smell of the pee is everywhere especially at night, drunk people do their thing everywhere and it is disgusting! 

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